Long time, no updates

It has been some TIME between studio updates but have no fear, I’ve been here clicking away on lots of amazing projects…. maybe even from you!

Ch-ch-changes in 2022

If you’ve followed me for long enough then you might know that I have an entire shop filled with super fun goodies I’ve designed, largely focused on stationery and stickers. I freaking LOVE that side of my business doing pop-up shows and getting to see your amazing smiles while shopping. Then, of course, is my service based side where I help small businesses grow through branding and web design….. which I also FREAKING LOVE. Like any person caught in between 2 loves, a decision has to be made because I am, alas, one person.

This year I decided to put all my focus and time into building the service side of my business and I regret it zero percent! Having a singular focus to my biz has really allowed me to pool my time and focus on offering even more robust services, doing bigger projects, and just more of helping small businesses THRIVE! This is where my heart is and I see so much more room to learn and grow. 2023 I’m leaning in extra hard and it feels like the first time in years that I’ll be able to take some BIG steps for myself and PDS.

But what about…

The shop? Oh no worries, she doesn’t feel abandoned. Let’s just call her more curated. I have plenty in stock and am selling direct via my website (show me) as well as via wholesale (show me). You might even get another email from me about these goods – gasp! There just aren’t current plans to create anything new for my own shop.

If you’ve ever made a decision that you weren’t sure about but did it anyway, and then future you thanked past you, that’s where I’m at with this. Best part is, if I get free time (haha!) or decide to circle back to this, then I totally can because its my business – woo hoo!

Take it back now y’all

That’s brings us back to today! I have had the honor of working with another group of amazing small business owners in 2022 and am looking forward to working with more in 2023. I hope to get back on this email bandwagon to show off some of those projects, my services, and just little updates that might make you say NEAT.

In the meantime, if you’ve got an idea you’ve been simmering on or a design delima, please reach out and let’s chat! I’d love to see how we can work together to check some of those things off your to-do list.